The Middle East has become an important region for fund managers and companies looking to raise funds. However, an effective fundraising strategy in this region requires an understanding of the different categories of investors, their needs, and their cultural context. In this session, Ben Jelloun, Founder and Managing Partner from Global Connectivity Capital Investment (GCCVest) will sit down […]
GCCVest’s Participation at the Investment Matchmaking Forum during the Sixth China-Arab States Expo in Yinchuan, Ningxia
国际在线宁夏消息(郭建国):9月21日,第六届中国—阿拉伯国家博览会特色产业贸易投资对接洽谈会在宁夏银川召开。来自中国、摩洛哥、沙特等多个国家(地区)的政府部门、商协会、知名企业家进行了现场投资贸易恳谈对接,共同探寻中阿特色产业经贸务实合作。 摩洛哥中国友好交流协会主席穆罕默德·哈利勒、GCC投资公司总经理本·杰伦、三八六再生能源控股公司主席艾哈迈德·阿尔哈耶特分别分享了摩洛哥特色产业和对外投资现状及展望、沙特对外投资政策、中沙合作经验等方面的内容。他们从阿拉伯国家创业者的角度探讨了与中国的合作及投资机遇。 中国银行总行交易银行部副总经理李晓玮,交通银行国际部副总经理赵剑,中国人民大学国际事务研究所所长、中国国际贸易促进会专家委员会委员王义桅,自治区地方金融监管局党组成员曹蓬勃围绕着共建“一带一路”、开放金融服务、外贸投资赋能等话题进行了发言。 此外,宁夏商务厅副厅长陈志伟介绍了宁夏“六新六特六优产业”及营商环境。晋江经济开发区、东侨经济技术开发区、广州经济技术开发区等国家级经开区,以及宁夏五市及宁东能源化工基地分别推介了当地特色产业及重点项目。湖南中联重科、丰尚农牧装备等重点企业推介了相关经贸合作项目。
Why GCC Investors Are Under-invested in China?
In the Middle East, most students learn at an early age about the Silk Road through the stories of Ibn Battuta, one of history’s most prolific travelers. Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan explorer who arrived in China more than 800 years ago – before the collapse of the Mongols and way before even Marco Polo […]